Photo Gallery
Hon'ble Minister of State for Power unveiled the IPDS calendar 2020 during the RPM meeting on 09-Jan-2020 Hon'ble Minister of State for Power unveiled the IPDS calendar 2020 during the RPM meeting on 09-Jan-2020 SCADA Workshop on Best Practices organised under IPDS  on 24-Oct-2019 ED (IPDS) presenting the status of IPDS during the Power Ministers Conference at Narmada, Gujarat on 11-Oct-2019 Visit of CMD, PFC along with Directors, PFC at 33/11 Kv PSS Balicha,  Udaipur on 03-Mar-2019  Visit of CMD, PFC along with Directors, PFC at 33/11 Kv PSS Balicha, Udaipur on 03-Mar-2019 Inauguration of Peer Learning Workshop held on 19-Dec-2018 at New Delhi CMD, PFC and ED (IPDS), PFC in discussion with Discoms during IPDS Project Monitoring Workshop held on 12-Nov-2018 CMD, PFC addressing the Feeder Managers during Feeder Manager Workshop on 29-Sep-2018 CMD, PFC addressing the Stakeholders during CONNECT Workshop held on 03-Aug-2018 Senior officials of Ministry of Power, PFC and REC handing over the awards to Feeder Managers under Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme during RPM meeting  on 12-Apr-2018 Hon’ble Minister of State for Power Sh R K Singh handing over the certificates and awards to Feeder Managers from Goa, Haryana and Meghalaya under Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme during RPM meeting on 22-Mar-2018 Senior officials of Ministry of Power, PFC and REC handing over the awards to Feeder Managers under Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme during RPM meeting  on 12-Feb-2018 Participants from different Discoms across India participating in Experience Sharing Workshop on Smart meters on 29-30 Jan 2018 at CESC, Mysore Feeder Manager from Assam, Bihar, Haryana, CG, MP and Uttarakhand at the Feeder Managers Workshop held on 18-20 Jan 2018 at Kodaikanal Senior officials of Ministry of Power and PFC handing over the awards to Feeder Managers under Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme during Feeder Manager Workshop on 19-Jan-2018 Senior officials of Ministry of Power, PFC and REC handing over the awards to Feeder Managers under Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme during RPM meeting on 30-Nov-2017 Senior officials of Ministry of Power and other dignitaries with awardees of Feeder Manager Recognition & Award scheme under IPDS  during UDAY Workshop held on 19-Sep-2017 CMD PFC and ED IPDS receiving the  prestigious 'One Globe Award for enabling a Mobile Economy' for URJA App from Hon'ble MoS IT & Electronics Sh. P P Chaudhary Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi discussing about IPDS with School Kids of Kabir Nagar, Varanasi Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi takes a look at changes made in Kabir Nagar, Varanasi under IPDS and HRIDAY Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi reviews Underground cabling work done under IPDS in Kabir Nagar, Varanasi Release of Report on 'Impact Assessment Study' of IT Enablement of Urban Power Distribution Hon'ble MoSP (I/C) Shri Piyush Goyal with Urban Vidyut Abhiyanta’s (UVA’s) during Induction program Release of Report on ‘Operational Study of 10 selected DISCOMs where AT&C losses have reduced in five years’ Launch of URJA app by Hon'ble MoS (I/C) for Power, Coal and NRE Shri Piyush Goyal Laying of foundation stone for underground cabling work under IPDS for Old Kashi Area Varanasi by Hon'ble MoS (I/C) for Power, Coal and NRE Shri Piyush Goyal on 8-Apr-2016 Launch of Kashi-IPDS app by Hon'ble MoS (I/C) for Power, Coal and NRE Shri Piyush Goyal on 8-Apr-2016 IPDS Mobile App prototype being described to Hon'ble MOSP Shri Piyush Goyal during Elecrama 2016 Release of book - State Distribution Utilities III Annual Integrated Rating by Hon'ble MoS (I/C) for Power, Coal and NRE Shri Piyush Goyal Launch of IPDS by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Launch of IPDS by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Launch of IPDS by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
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